If you have a "man worth marrying" that you'd like to add to the list, please email me here. Just be sure to include the basics about him, plus his pros and cons so we know what we'd be getting into. (Photos are nice too.)

And if you want to add to any pros/cons list already posted, please email me here or write your additions in the comment section after the appropriate post.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Henry VIII

According to Wikipedia, Henry VIII (1491–1547) was King of England and Lord of Ireland, later King of Ireland and claimant to the Kingdom of France, from April 21, 1509, until his death. Henry was the second monarch of the House of Tudor and a significant figure in the history of the English monarchy, separating the Anglican Church from Roman authority and establishing the English monarch as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Henry also oversaw the legal union of England and Wales.

King. of. England.
Accomplished author, poet, and musician
Skilled hunter and athlete
King. of. England.
Looks like this on screen (at 18, then middle-age)

Not a one-woman man
Has a gambling problem
You'll be pressured to have a son
The whole nation will know your business
He might have you beheaded
Looks like this in real life (at 18, then middle-age)


Meems said...

you see why I'm more of a 'real life' kind of girl rather than an on-screen dreamer? Definitely on-screen is a better vision but totally fiction!

Jane said...

Meems- I think I would rather live in the make believe world! ;)

Arissa Mae said...

Not TOTALLY fiction, Meems...or why would such men inspire such fiction? There must be SOME truth to the story...

But when it comes to appearances, I might be with Jane on this one!